[Home Page].[Riders™] [4Riders] [Trading Places Walking Illusions™]

[Character Costumes] [Clownin' Around]

 Character Travel Bags


How to order

Cheering to lead the way...


[Care and personality of a Mascot]
Mascots not only add spirit to sporting events, but a well-designed mascot is a visible reminder of your team wherever it goes- parades, television shows, or competitions.

From coast to coast and around the world, Stagecraft mascots are gathering crowds and entertaining people. Whether created from clients' designs or designed completely by us, the Stagecraft mascot look is commanding attention.



We can show the good looks of a Stagecraft mascot in a photograph, but the durability for which Stagecraft mascots are so well known is simply a matter of record.


Show me our mascot

Click here to see some of our most popular mascots! 

[To the Performer]

[When Donning the costume]


Crosstown Shootout

Check it out

Here are some more of our Mascots at work

NC State University

Western Michigan University

More from WMU

The University of Richmond

Boston University

Vanderbilt University

Click here to see the mascots we have made for others.

[Home Page].[Riders™] [4Riders] [Trading Places Walking Illusions™]

[Character Costumes] [Clownin' Around]

 Character Travel Bags


©1997 Stagecraft, Inc. All rights Reserved